
ND and BO

//Politics and Religion, feel free to ignore....

Generally, I don't really care what people think or believe. You can believe that the world is going to end in 2012 because the Mayans say so if you really want as long as you keep it to yourself. But this is the part that most people with strong beliefs struggle with. They can't keep it to themselves. Or at least moderately sane. They have this intense desire to let everyone know what they think, and to tell you that you are a moron if you disagree with them.

Which leads me to Barack Obama and Notre Dame. Barack is scheduled to give the commencement speech at the university in May in what seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity for the graduates. How often do you get the opportunity to hear a sitting president speak, let alone one that even his greatest critics claim is an absurdly good speaker?

Of course, this has brought the hardcore Catholics out of the woodwork. Because everything brings the hardcore Catholics out of the woodwork. Going to Catholic school from pre school through college graduation I have seen this routine many times. You know what doesn't stop teenagers from having sex? Protesting Planned Parenthood. This just leads to them having unprotected sex, leading to unplanned pregnancies, which--on occasion--leads to worst of all Catholic crimes.

To be fair, I get the opposition to abortion. I see your point. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand where you are coming from. What I don't understand is why you think acting like you have just been released from an asylum is a good way to change people's minds. People tend to ignore the beliefs of people who do crazy things.

Anyway, back to BO and ND. Some fellow named Randall Terry, who proudly claims that he wanted to mail Bill Clinton a dead fetus, says he is going to make this a "circus". I am sure Bill would have saw that fetus and thought "maybe this guy sending dead fetuses (fetii?) through UPS is full of great ideas. I should listen to him." But, nah, probably not.

Our boy Randy has moved his entire family to South Bend in preparation for his circus. He is picketing in front of the Board of Trustees members' homes. Because, again, people tend to respect the opinions and ideals of people who harass them and their family. I think that is in John's Gospel, somewhere. He exults that he has garnered twenty whole volunteers to help him create his circus. (Hey Randy, more people than that want Charlie Weis gone. And if you think abortion is bigger than football at Notre Dame, you might be in for a rude awakening.)

I guess what pisses me off most about this is what it says about America and how politics are handled in this country. No longer do people want to sit down and discuss differences; we would rather just overnight a dead fetus. It is why nothing ever get accomplished around here besides needless vitriol and more anger on both sides. Because everyone has become fucking insane. There are millions of normal, sane, thoughtful pro life supporters out there. You never hear about them because Randy is the one getting AP stories written about him. It is why nothing ever changes.

All I am saying is that maybe the people at Notre Dame should enjoy the once in a lifetime opportunity. I don't think Barack is going to slaughter any kids during his speech, so no worries there. I was never a Bushie, but I wish he would have spoken at my Catholic university instead of Big Bird. Seriously, Big Bird spoke at one of our commencements. It probably doesn't help we chased away a pro-choice speaker years ago. It is a slippery slope. The leader of the free world is coming to your college graduation. Listen to him. You don't have to agree, but try to learn something. And for fuck's sake, don't throw fake blood on him or mail him a fetus. You just look like an insane person. Plus, it won't make him repeal abortion laws any time soon.

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